What is Pancake Day and Why Do we Celebrate it?
It’s not often that you get an excuse to indulge in stacks of sweet treats in the name of tradition.
Evie Lucas
“Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne!”
Every New Year, as the clock strikes midnight, these words ring out in pubs and superclubs, in living rooms and public squares. Sometimes belted out with 50 strangers, sometimes a quiet hum among intimate friends: Auld Lang Syne is the universal melody of the coming year in English-speaking countries. But how did this old Scottish folk song become so popular on December 31st?
It's all thanks to a poet called Robert Burns. Born on the 25th of January in 1759, Burns became Scotland’s national poet, celebrated for his exploration of love, humanity, and nature. He wrote over 550 poems and songs that continue to inspire people today: from Bob Dylan, who famously named Burns’ A Red, Red, Rose as one of his greatest inspirations, to Astronaut Nick Patrick, who brought a book of his poetry into space in 2010.
Robert Burns is such an influential figure that every year on January 25th, Scotland gathers to celebrate Burns Night, an homage to the great poet that includes feasting, music, and lots of merriment.
In this guide, you’ll learn all about Robert Burns, the important history of Burns Night, and how you can join in on the fun!
Burns was born in the village of Alloway, on the Ayrshire coast of Scotland, to a family of farmers. While he wrote regularly from a young age, Burns spent most of his life in near poverty. Despite this, Robert Burns achieved celebrity after he published his first book of poems in 1786, at just 27 years old.
Burns quickly became known for his love of wine – and women. Writing his first ever love poem when he was 15 to a farmer’s daughter, he would become embroiled in a series of increasingly scandalous love affairs, fathering over a dozen children in his lifetime.
One of Burns’ greatest preoccupations was with preserving the Scottish language and culture. After Scotland joined England to form the United Kingdom, many felt that Scottish culture was under threat. Determined to not let this happen, Burns travelled across the country, collecting and preserving old Scots poetry and songs.
Burns Night usually revolves around the Burns Supper, or dinner. The first ever Burns Supper was recorded in 1801, a dinner organised by Robert Burns’ friends to commemorate his life. Most suppers are formal affairs, but they can also be a casual dinner with family and friends. But what exactly happens during a Burns Supper? Here are 4 essential Burns Night traditions:
Whatever the formality of the occasion, you’ll be sure to find Haggis on the table, a peppery combination of sheep’s heart, lungs, and liver with oats and spices – all encased in a sheep’s stomach. While this might sound strange, haggis is a delicious dish that has been enjoyed for centuries in Scotland as a national delicacy.
The haggis is served alongside a procession of pipers playing traditional music. And don’t forget the neeps and tatties – otherwise known as mashed potatoes and turnips.
Other traditional dishes include a starter of Cock-a-Leekie soup, a broth soup containing leeks, chicken stock and barley oats. For dessert, you might see Clootie Dumpling on the menu. This is a steamed pudding with suet, spices, and plenty of dried fruit, usually offered with a generous glug of custard and washed down with none other than a glass of whiskey.
The pipers at a Burns Supper play bagpipes, a type of Scottish wind instrument that lets out a powerful, drone-like sound. Bagpipes are often described as having a haunting or lamenting tone, and set the backdrop to important events in Scotland, from weddings to funerals.
Poems by Robert Burns are recited at suppers throughout the night, especially Address to a Haggis, read out after – you guessed it – the haggis is brought out. The story behind the poem is hard to pin down, but some suggest that it was written as a form of mockery of the upper classes who, In the 18th century, revered haggis as a luxury item.
Burns night is often a formal affair: this means a suit, dress, or if you’re feeling especially traditional – a kilt. A kilt is a knee-length woollen skirt worn by men as part of traditional Scottish dress, usually in a tartan pattern.
The kilt originates in the 16th century, when men dressed in floor length garments used as clothing and blankets. This evolved into the ‘small kilt’ in the 17th century, for better practicality. After the Jacobite rising in 1745, however, kilts and tartans were banned under the ‘Diskilting Act’ as part of the British government’s efforts to suppress Scottish culture and prevent future uprisings. This lasted until 1782, when it was finally repealed.
With all that music, poetry, and whiskey, it’s no surprise that dancing is another significant portion of Burns Night celebrations. Pronounced ‘kay-lee’, the word evolved from the Gaelic for ‘social visit’, referring to events that consisted of everything from storytelling to music to, of course, dancing. Nowadays, the Ceilidh is a lively group dance to traditional folk music accompanied by a band of fiddles, accordions, and bagpipes. The dances are known for their inclusivity, with an official ‘caller’ yelling out instructions for the less experienced.
You can’t wave in the New Year without a heartfelt (and sometimes drunken) rendition of Auld Lang Syne. Auld Lang Syne has long been the preferred way to end a gathering in Scotland because of its themes of renewed bonds and kindness among friends and family. But how did this old song become such a universal New Year's staple?
This is in part due to how big New Year celebrations are in Scotland. In the 17th century, the Scottish Reformation saw Calvinism come into power, a branch of Christianity that disapproved of festivity and indulgence. As a result, Christmas was abolished in 1640, making the Scottish New Year – or Hogmanay – the next biggest festival. Hogmanay traditions, including Auld Lang Syne, then spread to the UK and abroad with increased migration.
The original poem is in Scots, one of three languages currently spoken in Scotland (the others being English and Gaelic) that can be traced back to early Middle English. While it’s closely related to English, Scots is classified as a language in its own right – and can be difficult for non-native English speakers to grasp.
Here are some examples of more common Scots words, often used in combination with English:
Bairn – a child (e.g. a wee bairn, or a small child).
Eejit – idiot (e.g. he’s an eejit!).
Wee – small (e.g. could you speak up a wee bit?).
Smirr – a fine rain (e.g. it’s just a smirr of rain).
Robert Burns wrote in Scots to express his national pride, but also as a political statement: during Burns’ time, Scots was the language of the common people, and choosing not to write his poetry in English was a way of pushing back against England’s efforts to minimise Scottish culture and tradition.
Robert Burns’ legacy lives on in the traditions, language, and celebrations that continue to inspire people around the world. We hope that our guide to Burns Night has inspired you to get involved in your own festivities – whether through adding some Scots words to your English vocabulary, cooking up some haggis, neeps, and tatties, or burning off some energy at your nearest ceilidh.
What better way to end our guide to Burns Night than with the official closing song? Here’s Robert Burns’ Auld Lang Syne, with a modern English translation:
Original - Auld Lang Syne
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne!
For auld lang syne, my jo,
For auld lang syne,
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.
Modern English - Long Times Past
Should old friends be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should old friends be forgot,
And times long past!
For times long past, my dear,
For times long past,
We’ll take a cup of kindness yet,
For times long past.
It’s not often that you get an excuse to indulge in stacks of sweet treats in the name of tradition.
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“Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind?
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